16th September 2024

Dear Mr chips we are almost near a week away from you. we miss you, we miss your warming cuddles and your stinky farts and just you. I miss you and I hope you’re feeling better and you can rest in peace your ashes are coming soon that’s when we can finally hug one last time miss you LD. Zack x Hey my bestest good boy, another day feeling sad without you. It’s so hard not having you here but we are both so grateful we had you, it was absolutely worth this pain. I found one of your biscuits today outside the bathroom door when I was in there, it was where you would sit and wait for me. I don’t remember it being there before, I wonder if it was a sign from you. There are literally not the words to tell you how much we love and miss you. I hope you are happy, it would break my heart more if you are not. We really are trying to live without you but it’s so hard. I can’t thank you enough for everything you gave us both. I hope I was a good enough mum, I don’t know that I was. I really hope you are with buster & snoop. Love you so so much. Goodnight my bestest good boy. All my love mummy x x